Two Fat Gaining Foods You Perceived Healthy

There are two fat gaining foods that are not known to most folks and this could shock you. Most often, it is believed by most folks that these foods generally are healthy. These foods are the ones most people refuse to eliminate from their diet.

Everyone may have known to this day how bad trans fat and high fructose syrup are for your body. So this article is to convey the message of how these foods can really become your headache when you wanted to lose weight.

The first food that is conceived to be healthy is wheat related products. It includes most types of bread, bagels, muffins, cereals, and many more. Unfortunately, whole wheat also falls in this category.
Let’s take it to the basics. A huge percentage of our world’s population has some intolerance to gluten to some extent, this also includes other grains. Extreme celiacs are the most sensitive to it. What most folks do not realize is the fact that we are not necessarily meant to eat huge amount of wheat. Human digestive system had never had the chance to adapt in consuming huge quantity of wheat in their diet.

Introducing wheat in human diet had been done for just around a few thousands of years. Formerly it has never been with our diet until recently when technology in farming was greatly improved. This span of time was small as compared to thousands of years of natural cycle of human system which include meat fruits and veggies.

Many folks have tested eliminating wheat based products on their diet. The effect would usually be seen after 2-3 weeks. During this time, weight loss can be felt physically. This can mainly enhance your efforts. Many times this could not just cure headache but other ailments, such as indigestion, as well.

The next dreaded food that can deliver fat gain is fruit juice. Shocked? Most often, people are. They perceived this as healthy for so many years, it’s inevitable. But don’t get into the negative side yet. Most fruits are healthy for us to consume. But then we are not supposed to separate the juice from the fruit and in turn drink the juice which is mainly composed of sugar. We should not left behind the fibers as this could deliver beneficial components.

If it happen that you only have the interest on the juice and not the fruit, you are not getting full benefits from what you eat. Fibers from fruits could deliver such. The main function of fibers in fruits is to give you an appetite satisfaction which in turn stops you from craving for more. Fibers also slow down blood sugar concentration which is friendly for your body. All of it could only be gained through whole fruit consumption.

Further, huge consumption of fruit juices can make you fat. Eating whole fruits, which include fiber,  helps you maintain a healthy and nutritious diet.

A Fat that Will Make You Lose Belly Fat

Most folks that have been eager to lose fat are shocked with the fact that there is a type of healthy trans fat. And it can actually help burning abdominal fat. Contradicts with your thoughts? But it’s true.

It is repeated for millions of times that artificial trans fat used for our food, which came from hydrogenated oil, is one of the most unhealthy foods we munch. In reality, though it may taste good, these foods are actually contradicts with the real food we should be eating. Artificial trans fats can cause various health problems like cardiovascular diseases, cancer and obesity. The list could actually be longer. These are pure waste of time and money if you’re talking about food.

As much as possible stay away from artificial trans fat from hydrogenated oils. But fortunately, there’s a little bit of good news. There is actually a specific type of natural trans fat, which occurs naturally, that can help in burning fats and building lean body.

That specific type of trans fat can be sourced from from meat and milk from ruminants. These animals include cattle, goats, sheep, bison etc. That natural trans fat is is called conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). It is known to prevent cancer but can also enhance fat burning. This trans fat is highest when animal sources is fed with natural food which is grass instead of grain which is implemented on most meat farms.

Now before you think that you can just buy the CLA supplements that you'll see on most supplement stores, think twice. With a little bit of warning, before you think about resorting to CLA supplements that you can see from stores, think about it for some time. The healthiest, real CLA is from grass-fed ruminants. 

CLA you get from these supplements is artificially created from different isomer as compared to those found on grass-fed meat and dairy. CLA supplements won’t get you benefits you are after. Only get your CLA from pure, real sources which are meat. These sources can help you increase your metabolism and in turn increase your fat burning efforts especially those belly fats.

While most trans fats, the artificial ones, will result to unhealthy body and make you store fat, now you know that there’s an alternative to it, a kind of fat that helps you burn fat in return.