Working out isn't just simply burning calories, you also build muscles on the process. Oftentimes folks look at this as a bonus but muscles play a vital role in maximizing your effort in shedding extra pounds. One should know that muscles need energy to maintain and it uses a lot of energy thus making it effective to burn calories.
There are folks that are hesitant on lifting weights. Some may think that bigger muscles don't even look good. This is why they are not after the idea as they fear building muscles will make they them look even more bulky. But in reality, fat consumes space up to five times of what muscles would require given with equal weights. So if you can change some pounds of fats into muscles you will generally shrink that specific area up to five times which is very favorable.
Losing fats alone will alone will lessen your size but have you wondered what will become over the space your fats have left? If you will not replace it with muscles you will look sick. Those spaces should be replaced with something that could give form to it and nothing is more appropriate that muscles.
If you really look at it, building muscles does not just improves your figure but will also shed you size. It is also good to know that because muscles are around 7 parts water, it will force you to drink ample amount of liquid. And how will water affect your efforts? Remember that water cleanses our body and that includes fat. Good thing about it, is that these fats are drawn out of the body through natural process thus it is safer to deal with.
So is it a necessity to build muscles? Yes it is. If you want shed those extra weight five times faster, you should not just focus on you calorie intake, building muscles is just as important. This is a good way to be healthy and sexy.
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