Two Fat Gaining Foods You Perceived Healthy

There are two fat gaining foods that are not known to most folks and this could shock you. Most often, it is believed by most folks that these foods generally are healthy. These foods are the ones most people refuse to eliminate from their diet.

Everyone may have known to this day how bad trans fat and high fructose syrup are for your body. So this article is to convey the message of how these foods can really become your headache when you wanted to lose weight.

The first food that is conceived to be healthy is wheat related products. It includes most types of bread, bagels, muffins, cereals, and many more. Unfortunately, whole wheat also falls in this category.
Let’s take it to the basics. A huge percentage of our world’s population has some intolerance to gluten to some extent, this also includes other grains. Extreme celiacs are the most sensitive to it. What most folks do not realize is the fact that we are not necessarily meant to eat huge amount of wheat. Human digestive system had never had the chance to adapt in consuming huge quantity of wheat in their diet.

Introducing wheat in human diet had been done for just around a few thousands of years. Formerly it has never been with our diet until recently when technology in farming was greatly improved. This span of time was small as compared to thousands of years of natural cycle of human system which include meat fruits and veggies.

Many folks have tested eliminating wheat based products on their diet. The effect would usually be seen after 2-3 weeks. During this time, weight loss can be felt physically. This can mainly enhance your efforts. Many times this could not just cure headache but other ailments, such as indigestion, as well.

The next dreaded food that can deliver fat gain is fruit juice. Shocked? Most often, people are. They perceived this as healthy for so many years, it’s inevitable. But don’t get into the negative side yet. Most fruits are healthy for us to consume. But then we are not supposed to separate the juice from the fruit and in turn drink the juice which is mainly composed of sugar. We should not left behind the fibers as this could deliver beneficial components.

If it happen that you only have the interest on the juice and not the fruit, you are not getting full benefits from what you eat. Fibers from fruits could deliver such. The main function of fibers in fruits is to give you an appetite satisfaction which in turn stops you from craving for more. Fibers also slow down blood sugar concentration which is friendly for your body. All of it could only be gained through whole fruit consumption.

Further, huge consumption of fruit juices can make you fat. Eating whole fruits, which include fiber,  helps you maintain a healthy and nutritious diet.

A Fat that Will Make You Lose Belly Fat

Most folks that have been eager to lose fat are shocked with the fact that there is a type of healthy trans fat. And it can actually help burning abdominal fat. Contradicts with your thoughts? But it’s true.

It is repeated for millions of times that artificial trans fat used for our food, which came from hydrogenated oil, is one of the most unhealthy foods we munch. In reality, though it may taste good, these foods are actually contradicts with the real food we should be eating. Artificial trans fats can cause various health problems like cardiovascular diseases, cancer and obesity. The list could actually be longer. These are pure waste of time and money if you’re talking about food.

As much as possible stay away from artificial trans fat from hydrogenated oils. But fortunately, there’s a little bit of good news. There is actually a specific type of natural trans fat, which occurs naturally, that can help in burning fats and building lean body.

That specific type of trans fat can be sourced from from meat and milk from ruminants. These animals include cattle, goats, sheep, bison etc. That natural trans fat is is called conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). It is known to prevent cancer but can also enhance fat burning. This trans fat is highest when animal sources is fed with natural food which is grass instead of grain which is implemented on most meat farms.

Now before you think that you can just buy the CLA supplements that you'll see on most supplement stores, think twice. With a little bit of warning, before you think about resorting to CLA supplements that you can see from stores, think about it for some time. The healthiest, real CLA is from grass-fed ruminants. 

CLA you get from these supplements is artificially created from different isomer as compared to those found on grass-fed meat and dairy. CLA supplements won’t get you benefits you are after. Only get your CLA from pure, real sources which are meat. These sources can help you increase your metabolism and in turn increase your fat burning efforts especially those belly fats.

While most trans fats, the artificial ones, will result to unhealthy body and make you store fat, now you know that there’s an alternative to it, a kind of fat that helps you burn fat in return.

Three Important Ways to Build Muscles

Muscle building can be just your worst nightmare. It may sound fun but can actually mean to work hard with workout schedules, not to mention that some folks have even tried supplements.

Many folks have struggled for years to achieve significant amount of muscle mass. But with those years of rigorous training, there are small and big things that should be done that can maximize your efforts even for beginners. These are three most important steps you must take in order to make it all happen, effectively.

Be certain that all of the exercises you are doing on regular basis are compound exercises. Your goal, may it be for losing weight or to build muscles, compound multi-joint exercises should comprise at least 95% of your routine of workouts. That is if you want to get lean and ripped body. Sounds vague? It’s actually easy, think of complex exercise which lets you move more muscles and joints. Take a look at this list:
  • bench press, pushups, dips
  • 1-arm dumbbell rows, seated cable rows, bent over barbell rows lat pulldowns, pullups, chinups
  • overhead dumbbell and barbell presses, barbell or kettlebell clean & presses
  • front squats, back squats, overhead squats, bodyweight squats, etc
  • lower body deadlifting movements (regular deadlifts, sumo deadlifts, Romanian deadlifts)
  • lower body single leg movements (lunges, step-ups, jump lunges, etc)
  • abdominal and core exercises (these are important, but still are 2nd priority after all of the major upper body and lower body multi-joint movements... your abs and core will be worked from most major multi-joint exercises anyway)
Thinking about the rest of your time? The remaining part of your routine can focus isolation exercises such as bicep curls and tricep press. But these exercises should be just a support exercise after you’ve done multi-joint exercises.

Workout to your limits with intensity of 3-4 times each week for about 45-60 minutes per weight training. See to it that you’re working out no longer that 60 minutes as longer than this your body will have excess metabolism which could burn not just fats but also muscles. But always train to your limits as it will trigger muscle growth.

Do some super-sets. These are not just ordinary sets or routines but a combination of exercises, doing your upper and lower body. You may do pull-ups coupled squats. This can trigger even more muscles group in one shot thus maximizing you efforts. Never underestimate its effectiveness, you’ll be surprised by its results.
These are literally the basics of any effective workouts-your caloric intake can be adjusted later whether  your simply burning fat or wanted to gain muscles.

Take in clean food which are high quality real foods instead of processed supplements.
Protein quality form your food is essential for your muscles. And proteins are best assimilated into the body if it came from real whole foods like meats, eggs, dairy, veggies nuts and seeds. And of course stay away from chemical-packed energy bars and other types of meal replacements.

Focus on these facts, stay away from new hyped workouts. In the end it would still boil down to the basics. Never get involved with steroids, real winners do it gradually and effectively. Forget about supplements that could cost you a fortune to gain their “promise”. Whether you want to simply lose fats or build muscles, the better way is to work it out tough.

Three Great ways to Eat Healthy

In losing weight, it is a known fact that diet plays a huge part. Yes, it is important to have regular exercise but then diet should come first when it comes to long term weight management. I do hope the next easy steps will give you simple but very effective ways to make beautiful and healthy changes in your daily diet.

1.  Make it a point that you are taking in some healthy fats from your meals. Regular eating of healthy fats is important to achieve the right amount of fat burning and muscle building components inside you. Having the right amount of healthy fats from your diet will help you maintain a healthy appetite. Some healthiest sources for dietary fats are raw nuts, extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, avocados, egg yolks, grass-fed meats and seeds.

Important tip- Munch raw nuts (almonds are great) thrice a day around 30 minutes before in giving in to each meal. It can help you to minimize your appetite and will give your body protein, good fats, and some fiber. Overall, these elements will limit your calorie intake on each meal. This in turn will maximize you nutrition absorption as most nuts do have high nutrient density.

2. Eat high quality protein together with each meal. This protein should come from grass-fed raw dairy and meats. You may also find these on plant components like nuts and beans. All of these can provide a good appetite suppression thus you can easily control over your calorie intake.

Regular intake of quality proteins, together with regular work out, also aids in building lean muscles. Muscles can build your metabolism so that you’ll be able to burn more fats and calories. Adequate amount of protein on your meals gives you control on your blood sugar and insulin levels. This is possible as it slows down the breakdown of carbohydrates in your body.

3. It might not be a total solution but low-carbohydrate diet can optimize your weight loss efforts. Some folks struggle on weight loss for this sole reason. Excessive intake of processed carbohydrates, such as refined starches and sugars, on daily basis can hamper your efforts a lot.

Natural sugars from whole fruits are good as fibers from it helps in slowing down the blood sugar response. But be wary of fruit juices. These are mostly sugars and the fact that most fibers have been removed from it, it does pose some problems. Most folks that start to minimize their grain consumption (think cereals and breads) started to lose body fats quite easily. It is recommended that you refrain from eating grain-based carbohydrates and focus on fruits and veggies. Sounds simple yet it can result to better weight management.

Implement these small steps and start eating smarter and healthier.

Lose Weight Fast With Easy to do Exercise

Exercise is essential to do when you want to lose weight. And in fact, it is also important for a healthy lifestyle even if you do have the ideal weight. Think of it as maintenance. Other folks also perceive this as a necessary evil for losing weight. But what do we really do when we exercise, isn’t burning calories?

If we burn calories we essentially burn unwanted fats. And most often we associate exercise with going to the gym, jogging and a lot of workouts. If you really have to see, this situation is comparable to cars. We do bring our cars to the gas stations for a full tank. But in reality, the full tank has added weight into our car, though in a very small percentage. And our cars will eventually consume this gas through burning it with travel.

That is also the basic principle of losing weight. We simply need to burn what we eat. And the reason we gain weight is the fact that we mostly do not have physical activities in our daily schedule. Most often we sit in our office for work, which necessary, but also limit burning the food we just ate.

Fortunately even with our office we can still make some good exercise even in small amounts. Walking is one good way to do this. Going to your office could use a car but by simply going to the next block could simply use your legs. It’s no secret that walking can burn lots of calories. And walking for a short distance won’t make you sweat a lot right? But it could pump up your metabolism.

Elevators are also some ways to store unwanted calories. Yes, we need to use elevator to go up 10 or 20 floors in order to save time but going a single floor could be very easy even if we just have to take the stairs right? And the fact is, taking the stairs versus using elevators while going up a single floor could have a little or no difference on your time spent. Remember that on the elevator, you might still have to wait in queue.

There are some other activities on your home and office that really can let you burn those calories but you entirely disregard. Some of which are pretty simple yet quite effective in pushing your efforts to lose weight.

Tired Muscles Will Generate Fat

Working is an essential part of losing weight. It is a general logic that spaces in your body must be filled after losing fats. And other than firming up your body, it will also stretch your skin slowly to cope with the decreasing body mass. But it is not only in contracting that is important to muscles, rest also plays a great part.

Tired muscles tend to lose volume. This usually happens when you exert more effort during workout. Though muscles grow when stretch beyond its limit, it is good to note that there is certain limit to this. A simple guide on this is your own feeling of being tired. Even how healthy and fit an individual is, there is level by which strength and endurance starts to go down. This is a good indication that your body is in its limit.

More than just having workout sessions, muscles should also take a nap to make your workout work for you. A lot of times, folk's workout each day of the week to ensure that their muscles grow. But as they reach some few weeks in the process they stop and surrender. Why? Because they got tired of the routine that doesn't seem to work for them.

We should understand that working out is just away to trigger the body's normal muscle building function. This generally signals the natural immunity of the body. As our body is exposed to certain stimuli, it will set a new limit over that area. And during this phase that body needs to undergo changes to its own. And it needs rest over this time to make the changes take effect.

But what if you won't listen to your body's limit? Yes you can still take on some workouts that can burn calories but will it work for you? Rather than repairing itself, the body will use the energy from your food into your continued effort during workout sessions. Though this will make you lose fats, the downside for this approach is not gaining the volume to replace what you have lost. And rather than feeling better you will generally feel worse.

This in turn will slow other body functions like your metabolism. It's inevitable, your body will protect itself from destruction if you show it a stimuli like this. It will reserve ample amount of energy to continue other function and will sacrifice speed. And when your body slows down, fats storage goes up. This is the most devastating experience you might encounter after a month or two of work out. And that will have a great impact on how you perceive weight lose.

In essence, it is rest that has a vital role in shedding those extra pounds. This is not something that should stop you from working out, mind you, it is an important factor. But if you want the result you've dreamed, never take for granted the importance of taking rest.